Japanese suicide rates

i. 125.0 mL Jagermeister
ii. 1.0 shot Redbull
Ponham o Jagermeister primeiro, depois o Redbull; GG.

"In his 1922 entry on suicide in the Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, de La Vallee Poussin wrote:

We have therefore good reason to believe (1) that suicide is not an ascetic act leading to spiritual progress and to nirvaa.na, and (2) that no saint or arhat-- a spiritually perfect being-- will kill himself. But we are confronted with a number of stories which prove beyond dispute that we are mistaken in these two important conclusions.

"In the same year F.L.Woodward expressed a similar opinion.

There are, however, passages in the Nikaayas where the Buddha approves of the suicide of bhikkhus: but in these cases they were Arahants, and we are to suppose that such beings who have mastered self, can do what they please as regards the life and death of their carcase.

"In 1965 Lamotte wrote:

The desperate person who takes his own life obviously aspires to annihilation: his suicide, instigated by desire, will not omit him from fruition, and he will have to partake of the fruit of his action. In the case of the ordinary man, suicide is a folly and does not achieve the intended aim.

"This situation is compared with the suicide of an enlightened person:

In contrast, suicide is justified in the persons of the Noble Ones who have already cut off desire and by so doing neutralised their actions by making them incapable of producing further fruit. From the point of view of early Buddhism, suicide is a normal matter in the case of the Noble Ones who, having completed their work, sever their last link with the world and voluntarily pass into Nirvaa.na, thus definitively escaping from the world of rebirths (1965:106f)."

Lendo Clube dos Malvados, comendo Burger King e considerando o suicídio.

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